Sunday, November 15, 2009

Yes, I am still creepy

I was asking around to find the Outback steakhouse in Jinju. I found it, but had some time to kill so I decided to walk around. Then I saw this exhilarating fight between a boy and someone I couldn't see! I caught him at the tail end of his battle. I whipped out my camera and tried to be incognito from a pillar across the street. Unfortunately, I think he saw me and you'll see it when he walks away. In the mean time, check it out. I call this Modern day Ninja Style:

Now what occurred next was a bit bizarre. I think what transpired was this- the kid told his grandmother that someone foreign was video tapping him. She, in turn, told someone inside the shop he was fighting in front of. The man inside the shop tried to casually walk out and spy on me! The nerve of him. Needless to say, it was a tense situation. Normally, in tense situations I play with my phone and pretend I am lost. This was one of those situations. I pulled out my iTouch and placed it where I originally held my camera, by my stomach. I was fumbling around and trying to look out of the corner of my eye at the man spying on me (Two can play at that game buddy!). I then held the phone to my ear and started saying, "Where? I don't know where the Outback Steakhouse is." The man yelled something across the street to the lady and then crossed back over. Phew...that was close. But his audacity struck a nerve with me. So I walked across the street and tried to ask the woman where the Outback Steakhouse was in Korean. I heard the boy say to her , "wow she can speak hanguel mal (or Korean)." Here's the twist: Now, she tried to play it off like she didn't understand me. I thanked her and walked away. I proceeded to ask someone else where Outback was and he understood me. I knew she was faking! The lies, the circles!

The rest of the day went well. No lying or pretending. I simply enjoyed brunch with good company. We had potatoes, eggs with cheese, bacon (yes Nebi I had it!), an assortment of fruits including persimmons, Asians pears, apples and bananas, and fresh honey from the region compliments of Remy. The juice was nice and thick, the coffee was nice and instant, and the wine was nice and red. You will also note the wonderful napkins we had. It was quite wonderful. Just not as cool as the previous showdown.

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