Friday, November 5, 2010

How to be civilized when drinking

Everything is social here. And let's just forget about the idea of "personal space". Maybe no one hugs when they say hello, but that doesn't mean there is no body contact.

It's custom for one person to pay when you invite people out to dinner in Korea. It's an honor to pay. So, my spanish friend, Jose, decided that it was his turn. It was a mixed group of Americans, Frenchies, Koreans, and our sole Spain native.

Dinner is done. Now, for the good stuff.
막걸리 (makkolli-rice alcohol),
맥주 (maek ju-beer),
소주 (soju- distilled rice and other grains)
In the morning you will be asking yourself , 왜왜왜, why why why. In the moment you will be shoving a bottle in someone else's hand, making sure they pour for you. It's not cool to pour your own drink .

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