Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fishy Feet

I went to Daegu and got my feet eaten by fish. I bought a shirt from Uniqlo and my friend saw a cafe. We went in and he told me that while you drink coffee you can get the dead skin eaten off your feet for around $6. WHAT?! I can sip a latte and at the same time be a meal myself? Of course I was in. Anything with food and I am there. I felt like I was giving back to the community this way by allowing my feet to play host to a feeding frenzy my hungry underwater friends.
It tickled and then I got used to it. After 15 minutes the bottoms of my feet felt so nice. I washed them off and then some guy came around to spray disinfectant on them. I am not sure who he was aiming to protect, me or the other customers...

1 comment:

  1. The picture is great. I thought your foot was a pretty, large pink fish at first. A very popular one. Haha I can't decide if I think it's gross or not. Pretty either way.


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