This will be more of a self-centered post. I had a wonderful Christmas. You can have a great time anywhere, doing anything as long as the company is pleasant. My company was more than that. It was aMazing.
I stayed in Namwon (2 hours north) for 3 days and 2 nights. Despite my ear infection, I wanted to make the trip. I had met the people I was going to visit at a training conference and our connections to Albania brought us together [basically I am an Albanian magnet]. I hopped on a bus and got off an hour too early. So, Dila calls me and tells me to take a cab. As a Christmas present everyone pooled money together to pay for the fare. Upon my arrival, I was welcomed to a lovely apartment with so much food: three stuffed chickens, goat, pumpkin, salad, tomatoes, potatoes, banana muffins and bread, peanut butter and chocolate brownies, and fruit. We actually ended up eating goat brain too.A few Korean taekwando teachers came to join the festivities a bit later. After a bit of soju, mekju, and wine we decided to play charades. Then this lead to Noreabang. You can never go wrong with Noreabang in Korea. And that night we made sure we didn't.
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