Setting: Nara Deer Park, Nara, Japan
Time: During winter break (Jan 29 - Feb 6)
Weather: Kind of cold
Walking down the sidewalk I noticed a deer standing there. In this place, deer roam free and although they are wild, they aren't that dangerous unless you are an old lady with a bag full of money that they deer may want to rip out of your hand (see picture above). If anything, they are nice so they can get some food from you. Strolling along, I saw this deer bow. He bent his head down as I walked by and we made eye contact. WEIRD! I thought I was going crazy, but I read later on in a pamphlet that the deer learned to bow. People don't understand how, but my guess is that they were watching other people in Japan. They were probably thinking, if I show this person some respect, they'll give me food. And it worked...
well...sort of. I didn't have any food on me so this one had to settle with eating steel.
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